I Love Creating Alliterations

Photo by Geilan Malet-Bates on Unsplash
A Feast For Thought
2022, Henery X ©
You’re Your own worse enemy. So, it's time to make peace with the Young child within. Many Years have passed, but the Yin and the Yang have never been more distant. Why Yield to regret, when the Yearning to succeed is so strong? Yoga is great for maintaining peace of mind, but what good is a mind at peace, if no, continues to overshadow Yes? Yearly updates should always exceed what was, and set the stage for what will be. Yawning should always be a sign of time and energy well spent, so rest will be well earned. Yeah, it’s time to Yank success up out its seat, and dance across the floor of perpetual opportunity. The Yacht is just over the horizon, Yelling, “Climb aboard!” The Sun has never been more Yellow than when it’s shining on those who have done the Yard work, and are now enjoying the fruits of their labor. Give Yourself a standing ovation, for a job well done. Youngsters and elders alike will emulate the example of greatness made manifest. Yesterday is just that, as today is all that matters. The Yumminess of the present time seems sweeter than all others, but don’t just Yammer about it, let the results speak for themselves. In the Yearbook of Go Getters Academy, ensure a photo of You will be present. So, those who haven’t lived their dreams Yet will overstand that dreams, do indeed come true.
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering.
My goal is to do an alliteration for all twenty-six letters in the alphabet. Currently, I have twenty-three done. This is a unique writing exercise I recommend to all those who want to sharpen their creative blade. The objective is to take twenty-six words that all start with the same letter and create a comprehensible poem, short story, or any other piece meant to encourage, enlighten, or entertain. Happy Reading and Writing, Family.
May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.
Remember. I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.
#writewithpurposeonpurpose #creativessupportingcreatives #winningisourbirthright #selfloveisthebestlove #dreamcatcher #freethinker