What I Feel Would Be My Overall Greatest Accomplishment

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
I’ve been writing creatively, and non-stop, since 1995. So, you can imagine in the said time frame I’ve had some very special moments I could never forget. Like, holding my first book in my hands for the very first time. Or helping my mother to secure a designated parking space in the lot of the apartment building she currently lives in. Or completing my first ever short story, which took me 9 years to do. Or having my favorite cousin sharing with me that something I wrote helped to change her life for the best. Yes, the list goes on and on. But this piece is about what I feel my greatest overall accomplishment would be if I could no longer write. Though it was a tough choice to make, once I really thought about it, it became a no brainer.
Just recently my fifth book was published. The book in question is entitled, “The Greatest Lits’: My All-time Favorite Works Of Literary Art, Vol. 1.” This offering is a compilation of pieces create through my various writing styles. Here, you’ll experience the very best of what I love to do. To even possess enough content to created a greatest lits is astonishing to me, especially when you factor in the fact I didn’t desire to be a writer until much later in life. Sure, I wanted a particular book but outside of that, I never gave writing seriously any serious thought. We plan, but the Most High is the best of planners.
The Greatest Lits’: My All-time Favorite Works Of Literary Art, Vol. 1 is made up of six chapters: Chapter One, “Thought-provoking.” Chapter Two, “The Most Quoted.” Chapter Three, “Words Flow Together As One.” Chapter Four, “Redefining Moment.” Chapter Five, “Creativity At Its Finest.” And Chapter Six, “Improvisation.”

Photo provided by the author
Chapter One: Thought-provoking
Here you’ll discover my perspective on various topics that matter most to me. It was extremely difficult narrowing down which pieces to include, but seeing this is a collection of my all-time favorite literary works of art, kept it from being as difficult as it could have been. I’m confident that the reader will be able to resonate with more than three of the numerous offerings provided.
Chapter Two: The Most Quoted
The second after I read several quotes by the world-renowned motivational speaker Les Brown, was the moment I wanted to create my own quotes. I saw quotes as a means to make a big difference, using as fewer words as possible. The majority of the quotes I chose to add to this creation are the ones so many people have said made them look at things in a different light. Some of the quotes in question have been repeated by many people and on numerous occasions, thus where the title of the chapter derived from.
Chapter Three: Words Flow Together As One
This section is where my all-time favorite poetry pieces will be found. When it comes to writing, my style is unorthodox. I do my best to stand out from the crowd, by following my own lead when it comes to being creative. Poetry for me is something that should inspire the reader to desire to be poetic in everything they do. Like it is with all my writing, my poetry is filtered through my heart, so it represents the purest form of love for the craft.
Chapter Four: Redefining Moment
I fell in love with creating acronyms the second after I discovered the legendary rapper Lawrence Parker’s stage name, KRS-ONE, which stands for, “Knowledge Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyone.” I was blown away by this revelation, so much so I saw a way to push it even further. My mission was to redefine specific words, mainly those that had been given a bad reputation. My first ever acronym was directly influenced by KRS-ONE and was for the word K I N G, which stands for, Knowledge Is Non-stop Gain. To date, I have over 100 acronyms. One of my all-time favorites is for the word P O W E R, which is, Providing Others With Effective Resources.
Chapter Five: Creativity At Its Finest
Creating short stories is what I love most of all about being a writer. The reason I love creating short stories so much is because I can use them to help change reality. The characters may be fictional, but the situations they go through are not. I ensure all my stories have strong morals, which are sure to leave the reader thinking. To date, I have close to fifty short stories, but here you’ll experience ten of my all-time favorites. My first ever short story, you know, the one I said in the beginning took me 9 years to complete, is included and it’s entitled, “Nothing In Life Is Free.”
Chapter Six: Improvisation
Here you’ll find pieces that had the potential of becoming something other than they did, but I felt they were perfect just as they were. Most of the pieces are witty dialogue between uncommon characters. Remember, when it comes to writing, my style is unorthodox by design.
If you’re a writer and you desire to be a published author, by all means act on the said desire. Having a book under your belt is not only an awesome feeling but just as importantly, it allows your words to be seen around the world as well. My books are in the homes of people I’ve never physically met, who live in cities I’ve never physically visited.
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering.
May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.
Remember. I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.
Peace, Love, and the utmost Respect.