A short story

Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash
One night may start an unbreakable bond, but it will be established over time.-Henery X
Organic Gain
2023, Henery X ©
In a popular soul food restaurant in downtown Detroit, a group of people gathered to celebrate the retirement of a man they all loved. Seeing he knew the owner of the restaurant, it had been closed to the public and just for this special occasion. The guest of honor was fifty-year-old Eddie Thomas, but everyone who knew him well simply referred to him as…. “Ed.”
The African American man’s journey leading him to this point in his life began when he was just ten years of age. Eddie was an exceptional painter, which was because of the skills he had inherited from his maternal grandfather, who once made his living transforming clients’ artistic desires into tangible masterpieces.
His grandfather, Charles Wilson Senior, had prayed one of his two children would have possessed his natural ability, but alas, his prayers had gone unanswered. His son, Charles Junior, wanted to be a doctor, and his daughter, Jean, wanted to be a journalist. But one day while visiting his son, Charles Wilson Senior saw one of his grandson’s paintings. And not only was he impressed, but he offered him the opportunity to come work alongside him at his art studio/gallery as well. Seeing Eddie loved to paint and loved his grandfather saying no was never a consideration.
Fifteen years later, Charles Wilson Senior died of colon cancer. At the reading of his will, Eddie discovered he inherited his grandfather’s art studio/gallery. This had been a bittersweet moment for everyone involved, but especially for Eddie. Besides painting, he and his grandfather had shared many other experiences together. He loved his grandfather as if he was his father. He didn’t know half as much about his father as he did about his grandfather.
Business hadn’t slowed down because of Charles Wilson Senior’s transition. In fact, it picked up and because of the new owner of Immortal Moments Art Studio/Gallery. Besides the regular clientele, Eddie’s friends showed him love and because he was a popular person, the art studio/gallery was always packed. Eddie also allowed local artist to showcase their work in Immortal Moments Art Studio/Gallery. And when he upgraded the business by adding a cafe, things really got interesting.
As fate would have it, Eddie’s daughter would inherit the natural skills of her father and grandfather. So, like it had been with him and his grandfather, twenty-five-year-old Lovely Thomas has been helping her father since she was ten years of age. And because of this, as well as because she was just that great, her father passed the business over to her a week before he announced he would be retiring.
“So, Ed. What are your plans since you no longer have to work?” Stacy Walker said. She was Eddie’s first cousin, as well as one of his biggest supporters. The lovely, fifty-year-old African American woman dressed stylishly.
“Well, Stacy. As you know, I’ve never worked a day in my life. What I did was a pleasure. In fact, if I hadn’t earned a penny, I still would have done it. But to answer your question of what are my plans. I plan on traveling with my lovely wife here.” Eddie looked over to his right and at a stunning African American goddess, who was smiling as she gazed into his eyes.
Eddie and fifty-two-year-old Nandi Thomas have known one another since middle school, and were married shortly after they graduated from high school. Seeing she wanted to become a cosmetologist, they agreed they’d start a family later. And throughout her journey, her husband was her biggest supporter. In fact, not only had he been her sole financial benefactor, but he handled her salon as well, which resulted from her specifications.
“That sounds lovely, Ed.” Stacy said. “And you couldn’t have left the business in more capable hands than Lovely’s.”
“I concur, Cuz.” Eddie looked over to his left and at his lovely daughter, Lovely, who, like it had been with her mother, was smiling at her father as she stared into his eyes.
“I’m honored, Father. You know I won’t let you and grandfather down.”
“I do indeed, daughter of mine. You’re a paint drop off the old brush.”
Everyone present laughed at the latter portion of Eddie’s response.
“Oh yeah. And I’m putting the finishing touches on my autobiography,” Eddie said in a matter-of-factly manner.
This revelation had all eyes on him.
Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of…. Organic Gain.
Consistent interaction can turn an acquaintance into a friend, and a friend can become regarded as family.-Henery X
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering. May all you deserve and desire flow abundantly into your life, as a river does into a sea.
Remember. I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.
Continue to be a lighthouse for all those who feel lost in the sea of life.
May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.
Peace, Love, and the utmost Respect.