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Purpose And Passion

Writer: Henery X (long)Henery X (long)

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

The perfect matrimony

Image created by the author, Henery X, and via a collage maker app

Our purpose is what we’re most passionate about. — Henery X

Purpose And Passion

2022, Henery X ©

I believe our purpose is intertwined with our speck of borrowed spirit. I also believe that living our lives to the fullest is the only way we’ll discover our purpose. I also believe that until we have fulfilled our purpose, we shall not die. Remember. I’m not here to convince you

to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider. So, with this being the case, please consider my beliefs with an opened mind. Hey, who knows, a bit of clarity may be established.

The Conclusion From My Experience

The purpose is why we are allowed to exist. It’s something that we must do before we can leave this plane of existence. The purpose overshadows everything else. No matter what we convinced ourselves is most vital to us, if it’s not our purpose, we’re only deluding ourselves.

Though the purpose starts out as a passion, unlike an average passion, it won’t burn out until it’s fulfilled. Once the purpose is realized, it won’t need anything to inspire it because it is inspiration. Its primary purpose is to help others realize their purpose.

The only way we’ll realize our purpose is by living our lives to the fullest. In living our lives, we’ll develop several likes and loves. Like wants and needs, likes and loves are completely different. When we like something or someone, we can move forward without it or them, and not give it much thought. But with love, moving forward without something or someone want be easy at all. Love creates ties that bind and that once they’re severed, causes us immense discomfort. So, our purpose won’t be something we like doing, it’ll be something we’ll love doing. It won’t be regarded as a problem, but as a pleasure. But how will we realize what it is, without a shadow of doubt?

Like I said earlier, the only way we’ll realize our purpose is by living our lives to the fullest. In living our lives, we’ll develop several likes and loves. We’re going to focus on the things loved because those liked are passions without a doubt. With the things we love doing, as it relates to our purpose, a process of elimination will take place. Eventually, they’ll be one thing we’ll love doing most of all. This thing we’ll pursue with a relentless passion. It will wake us up early in the a.m. and keep us up, late at night. It’ll be something we’ll do even if we don’t earn a penny. And lastly, it’ll be centered around us helping others to realize their purpose.

For me, writing is my purpose. How can I be so sure you may wonder? Well, for one, I always need to do it more than anything else. And second, I never think about anything I write, I just write. When we truly discover what our purpose is, the Universe not only intervenes into our affairs, but it totally takes control of them as well. We literally become a vessel meant to convey the wishes of the Source of our power, which is the almighty All I Am.

So, In Closing

The purpose overshadows everything else. No matter what we convinced ourselves is most vital to us, if it’s not our purpose, we’re only deluding ourselves.

Though the purpose starts out as a passion, unlike an average passion, it won’t burn out until it’s fulfilled.

With the things we love doing, as it relates to our purpose, a process of elimination will take place. Eventually, they’ll be one thing we’ll love doing most of all.

Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering.

Remember. I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.

May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.

Peace, Love, and the utmost Respect.


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