So, Let's Make It A Reality

Image by the author
Greetings, Family.
I believe all creative writers should be published authors as well. Why? Well, there are several reasons. But at the top of my list is immortality. Just imagine a child one hundred years from now coming across your book, reading your book, and desiring significant change for himself or herself after the fact. This thought alone should erase all doubt that putting our words in book form is a simple decision.
Now, let’s touch on the importance of books in the here and now. Sure, the same effect a book from the past can have on the future holds in the present as well but, it’s much deeper. Books allow us to be in multiple places at once. While we’re doing a speaking engagement in our hometown, our books are being read by people within towns throughout the world. Wow! Talk about astral projection to the ninth power.
I want to help you immortalize yourself in the literary world. Sure, it won’t be easy, but it’s not as hard as many think, especially when you have someone who has already done it by your side. But I can want something for you all day, every day, but until you “need” it for yourself, you’ll never have it.
Let 2022 be the year you add published author to your writer’s resume.
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering. Currently, my fifth (5th) book is days away from being self-published. My goal is to write ten (10) books in 10 years. Like I said above, “Books allow us to be in multiple places at once.” My books are in places I’ve never been physically. Thanks to my books, the lives of others have been transformed for the better. If you have been writing and posting what’s written on social media for a year or better, you already have the makings of a book. The hardest part of creating a book is creating the content. Without content, no other aspect of creating books is relevant.
May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.